End Of An Incredible Journey With TD&AD Project

Exploring Sustainability and Climate Initiatives: TD&AD Project Multiplier Event

Towards Sustainability: Empowering Communities Through the Think Differently & Act Differently Project

Uniting Families for Environmental Change: TD&AD’s Workshop Kickoff

Educational training of the Informal Network for Combating Sexism in the Media and Advertising Industry

Awareness and advocacy of women’s rights and the rights of LGBTIQ+ persons

More than 830 sexist articles in the Croatian media in two months only 

The fight to overthrow sexism in the media and advertising industry

Training on advocacy in local communities

New website and platform for TD&AD project

Meeting in Vukovar

Educational Training in Larissa

RIGHT application – first training

Project Announcement – RIGHT Application

Project training in Cascais

Project Launch Meeting

Project Announcement